Newsletter: June 2020

This month’s newsletter details several reasons why you should look for other sources of cash instead of tapping into your retirement funds, along with identifying potential tax surprises if you are using any of the pandemic-related relief programs, including unemployment benefits.

There are also some tips on how you can help local businesses as they re-open their doors and an overview of changes coming to your banking experience.

The suggestions in the article regarding speaking to your parents about their finances, which can include Powers of Attorney, health care directives, asset distribution, last wishes, etc. are difficult conversations to have much less start. The Conversation Project has excellent tools to assist you in this endeavor with a section on Covid-19 and starter kits of questions to begin the conversation. It is also helpful to us individually if we haven't thought about or taken care of this for ourselves. Estates and trusts is the main area of the law that the firm practices. As always, we are here to assist you during these trying times. Email us with your questions or concerns.

IMPORTANT CHANGE FOR CLIENTS  The pandemic has caused many companies to re-evaluate they way they conduct business.The firm is in the process of converting from USPS mail to emailing our monthly statements to our clients. Clients can opt in or out of emailed statements. Please email with your choice of mail or emailed monthly statements as soon as possible. In the near future the emailed statements will have a direct link in the email to make the payment.

Please call if you would like to discuss how this information could impact your situation.

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Think Before Tapping Your 401(k) as an Emergency Fund